July 25, 2008

Barack Obama - The Tide Is Turning

This song from Roger Waters' 1987 album 'Radio KAOS' perfectly illustrates the both the dark age of the Bush administration, as well as the hope for a better future which Senator Obama brings to America and to the world. When Senator Obama delivered his historical Philadelphia address, this song instantly came to mind, so ...

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July 23, 2008

Bush + McCain v. Maliki + Obama

Digg it, it's animated! You know you need a good laugh.

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Obama's Strategic Vision

He has no military experience, but he outshines McCain in a more important area.

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July 17, 2008

Half Of McCain's Campaign Cash Came From 500 Bundlers

Republican John McCain's elite fundraisers have helped collect more than half of his presidential campaign money, while Democratic rival Barack Obama has relied on his own top fundraisers for nearly one-fifth of his coffers, a USA TODAY analysis shows. Kindly remember that we only know who is bundling for whom because Obama pushed through the legislation to make it public information. Aren't you glad he did?

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July 14, 2008

The American Left: Dogmatic rhetoric is self-defeating

Great article on the benefits of Obama's mantra to end the name-calling and accusatory style of politics that the Left has adopted to respond to the Right. Before our beloved Left goes ballistic, note this is from In These Times - a Left blog.

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July 13, 2008

My Plan for Iraq

On my first day in office, I would give the military a new mission: ending this war.

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July 11, 2008

Obama's New Radio Ad - MP3

Text & MP3: Obama's new Radio Ad debunks McCain's lie that Obama wanted to raise taxes on the middle class. GREAT AD! Barack is one Democrat who will not be swift-boated!

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What Iran Wants - ForeignPolicy.com

Check this out:

FP: What do Iranians think about the U.S. presidential election and John McCain versus Barack Obama?

KS: There’s far more intrigue about Obama than about McCain. Apart from the fact that he advocates dialogue with Iran, he’s African-American and his middle name is Hussein, who is the paramount figure in Shiite history and culture. If Obama were to win, it would be much more difficult for Iran to constantly paint the United States as this grand oppressor. It’s interesting to note that a few days after the hostages were taken at the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, the Iranians released all the women and blacks because they said these groups were historically oppressed by Americans.

An Obama victory in November could tremendously change the dynamics in U.S.-Iran relations. If you’re a hard-liner in Tehran and you survive in isolation, like Ayatollah Khamenei, it presents far more of a quandary for you to have a president in Washington who says “Let’s be friends” than one who says “Let’s be enemies” and essentially continue the status quo. I would wager the vast majority of Iran’s political elite, who do want to see some sort of reconciliation, support Obama. But then you have a small, but powerful minority who survive in isolation, much like Fidel Castro in Cuba. They see Iran opening up to the world as a threat to their interests, and I’m sure they would much prefer John McCain to be president.

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Have We Missed the Key to Obama's Leadership Style?

I'm starting to suspect we've all missed the real story behind Barack Obama's leadership style. His recent actions may not have been driven by calculation or centrism, as most people thought, but by something else. - Writer makes the point that Obama has a Japanese-style of leadership, perhaps from his Hawaiian upbringing. Interesting, and a valid comparison.

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(Liberal) Fear of a Black President

About Barack Obama
Regarding the FISA progressive-backlash. All the things Obama's done to protect and help people as much as he could, with as much cooperation from either side as he could get, outweigh this single-issue for me, because the FISA bill was not the end-all be-all of the privacy war. It's about more than someone reading our email, as if that were something new. The internet was developed for the Pentagon. They've had a record of everything on the web since Day One. And I haven't considered my phone calls private since I heard of Watergate - as it happened!

What's BO done to impress me? http://ap.google.com/article/ALeqM5gA2VRM3QhIBwdNeApjcfZZ0SKbCQD91H8GT04

And what will he do with all these unconstitutional laws signed by Da Bush?


Review and revoke 'em, in the first 100 days, when unconstitutional.
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The Week That Should Have Ended McCain's Presidential Hopes

This is the week that should have effectively ended John McCain's efforts to become the next president of the United States. But you wouldn't know it if you watched any of the mainstream media outlets or followed political reporting in the major newspapers.

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McCain's Deficit Reduction Proposal: Adopt Obama's Iraq Plan

The CBO projects $443 billion deficit in 2013 if Bush's tax cuts are extended as McCain calls for. On top of this McCain calls for additional cuts for the rich. McCain says he will pay for this by cutting Social Security, Medicaid,Medicare, and bringing troops back from Iraq and Afghanistan... Yes you read that right.

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McCain; Gramm: It's all in your head

Does John McCain actually agree with Phil Gramm's statement on a "nation of whiners"?

McCain's top economic adviser Phil Gramm: "...this is a mental recession... We have sort of become a nation of whiners."

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July 2, 2008

Obama Network Organizes and Revolts Over Spying

About Barack Obama
Go YouTube it, he says the same as he's always said - troops come home, as carefully as Bush was careless sending them in. And you know the whole reason the media, owned by the same people as the telecoms, are trying to make him look bad and the giddy left buys it from the people owned by the military industrial complex, for pity's sake? Because he will destroy their monopolies, read his telecom policies, and he will cost them millions, read his campaign finance reform that gives equal air time to all candidates on the ballot to end raising millions from millionaires to pay a media that lies to us the 23 hrs 59 minutes not paid for in our own ads.

I am definitely smelling cooptation. I refuse to believe the progressive writers have all lost their minds and never read Obama's outrageously detailed 40 page plan. It's obvious to me the MSM and telecom/military/oil/insurance barons (usually the owners of all five industries) did, and they saw his lauded speech to Google in 07.
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McCain Backer's Firm Pleaded Guilty To Funding Terrorist Group In Colombia

See, this is the best in blogging, a little "local color" - wow! Y'know, McCain and his twin GW got chased out of holding a fundraiser in Phoenix, and got a big demonstration at their alternate location anyway. Why not give those Lindner/Indian Hill Fortress guards a good days' hard work next time the new "Bush twins" come by?

And y'know, Begala calling McCain's fundraisers "dirt-bags" seems too mild, now.
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McCain Backer's Firm Pleaded Guilty To Funding Terrorist Group In Colombia

Oh no, Chiquita was not "unwilling", not at all. Where on earth do you think the term "Banana Republic" came from? From the United Fruit Co to Chiquita to Dole, the beat goes on - and the peasants are beaten and killed whenever it's expedient. Google and Wiki away, but be forewarned, bananas won't be as enjoyable anymore.
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McCain Accepts Money From Terrorist Fundraiser

The co-host of a recent top-dollar fundraiser for Sen. John McCain oversaw the payment of roughly $1.7 million to a Colombian paramilitary group that is today designated a terrorist organization by the United States.

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Military See Presidential Race Through Own Lens

Obama has received more donations from military personnel than McCain! Who knew? Since McCain gets the most backing from big-wig brass, that must mean the enlisted service men and women are shelling out the cash to help Barack! "Obama has collected more than $327,000 from those identifying themselves as military personnel, while McCain has collected $224,000, according to an analysis of Federal Election Commission data by The Associated Press." Whoa. I'm so broke it hurts, but if our soldiers can donate so much, I can find a way to give again too.

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July 1, 2008

Memo to Obama: Moving to the Middle is for Losers

About Barack Obama
This Sat 150 regular working people, students and retirees came to sign up, work for Barack for free, in a community that's not been marching against war, or petitioning for impeachment, regular people with full lives who hate what this administration does. Monday after work, a father and his daughter, my Puerto Rican compatriots I'd never met before, came to an Obama meeting, where there was also an 80-year-old white woman rooted in this community, who's worked free for the local Democratic Club for decades. The PR man's daughter brought her boyfriend, sweet white guy, both just graduated. I'm teaching the young couple to register voters at summer school. There was a beautiful white woman, web designer, and a lovely Asian woman former Hawaii-native fundraiser extraordinaire, and a retired professor, white male.

These are the people who will change things. They are the middle-left. It exists, it's large, and it's never found a reason to get involved. They don't want to match and overwhelm the stridency of the right. They want a rational, compassionate administration that, like them, lives with contradictions, as we do.

This ain't American Idol, we're not looking for a four-year crush on an American-Che. People are threatening to withhold money, votes, but not work. They didn't work. And it's the work that truly changes things.
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Ex-Agent Says CIA Ignored Iran Facts

A former CIA operative who says he tried to warn the agency about faulty intelligence on Iraqi weapons programs now contends that CIA officials also ignored evidence that Iran had suspended work on a nuclear bomb. He got set up and fired for his trouble - because of course we don't need fluent speakers of Farsi or Arabic working undercover - and he can't even get his identity back to testify!

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